Postgraduate Fees and Charges
Students receive a College Bill at the start of each term and at the start of the long vacation. The College Bill includes the University Composition fee (UCF) and College accommodation charges (Residence charges) (if applicable).
You will be billed for the UCF once a year soon after 1 October, to be payable shortly after the Division of Michaelmas Term (around mid-November). University composition fees are listed on the University website. Not all courses cost the same, please make sure you have identified any additional costs associated with your specific course.
You are responsible for paying your tuition fees and living costs on time and will sign a Declaration form to that effect when you are made your College offer. Late payment fees will be charged for overdue payments. If you cannot pay on time, it is important that you contact your Postgraduate Tutor and/or Financial Welfare Officer before the due date. Please contact the same if you wish to discuss an alternate instalment plan for the payment of your UCF.
If you have any queries about your bill, please see our Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Finance Office.
Prices for the academic year are shown below and should be paid termly.
Understanding your Postgraduate College Bill
The bill that you receive will be made up of the following:
Residence Charges
The Residence Charge at Girton covers accommodation rent, heat, electricity, water, basic personal contents insurance (except for couple and family accommodation), basic cleaning services and internet connection, as well as access to the College facilities such as the swimming pool, gyms and use of the Social Hub and cafeteria where it allows you to pay the subsidised rate. At some Colleges there is a separate Kitchen Fixed Charge or minimum meal allowance as well as additional charges for network connection, but at Girton this is all included in the one payment to assist with budgeting.
The only variation in residence fee is between an en-suite room and a standard room with shared bathroom facilities. The Residence Charge is fixed for three years.
Students living in single occupancy College Accommodation are charged a termly amount to use the washing machines and driers in their accommodation. This allows them to use the machines as many times as they like with no additional charge.
This is set by the University of Cambridge and collected by Girton College, on behalf of the University, via an annual payment. The fee is dependent upon course and fee status. Please note that a separate College fee is charged only to those doing a Master of Advanced Study course/degree.
- Further information about University Postgraduate Study Fees
Contents insurance is included for students in College residence at no extra fee.
Students not in College-owned accommodation, or in Partner or Family accommodation, are encouraged to arrange their own insurance.
- Find out more about Accommodation Content Insurance
All students have a University or “Uniware” card which can be used to make purchases at the Porters' Lodge, cafeteria, Social Hub and is enabled with UPAY (used to pay for things like Formal Hall). Students will receive instructions from UPay about downloading an app to use.
At the start of each term (with the exception of the final term of their course) each student’s card comes with a £500.00 credit.
At the end of each term the amount that has been spent is added to the following term’s College Bill for payment.
If you exceed your credit limit you can top up in the Porters’ Lodge.
Additional charges
These are non-standard charges, which are applicable in certain instances.
This is charged separately to students who are not living in College accommodation.
It covers the cost of access to non-academic College facilities such as the swimming pool and other sports facilities as well as subsidised meals in the College cafeteria and Social Hub.
This is paid by all students in their first year at the College in three termly installments billed via the College Bill.
It is used to cover the cost of any possible damage to your room or College property and is used to pay any debts incurred after your final bill has been issued, such as Uniware (food) card charges, library fines, etc.
The remaining amount is refunded within one month of you graduating or your degree being approved.
These could be for accommodation requested outside of the tenancy agreement such as early arrival or accommodation during the long vacation.
These may be utility charges in College-owned family/couple accommodation where they are not included in the rent of the property.
They may also be a specific residence charge, damage charges over and above the Security deposit amount or room transfer fees. You would be notified about any of these in advance of being charged.

Planning your finances
It is important to understand and plan for the costs involved in studying at Cambridge. You will find your University Composition Fee and estimated maintenance costs listed in your University application self-service portal. There are three elements to this:
This is the cost of your course. It covers teaching and access to faculty or department academic resources.
Not all courses cost the same, and it is important to make sure you have identified any additional costs associated with your specific course.
Find out more via Postgraduate Study - University of Cambridge.
These are paid to the College and cover the cost of the facilities and support that Girton provides.
For most postgraduates, the College fee is included in the University fee - only those on a MAST course will see a College fee listed separately.
This refers to your living costs whilst at Cambridge and is an estimate of how much you will need for accommodation, food, clothing, books, travel, etc. After arrival, if you would like assistance with budgeting, you may contact our Financial Welfare Officer (
Support available after arrival
Financial support and advice for Postgraduates can be found here, or you can contact our Financial Welfare Officer.