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Rev'd Dr Charlie J M Bell

College position(s)

Fellow, Director of Studies, College Officer



Specialising in

Official Fellow in Medicine and Public Theology; Praelector

Degrees, Awards and Prizes

MA (Dunelm 2021), MA (Cantab 2015), MB BChir (Cantab 2017), PhD (Cantab 2015), PGDipLATHE (Oxon), SFHEA, FRSA, AFFMLM, MRCPsych.

Research Themes

I undertook a PhD investigating the immunogenetic mechanisms responsible for the development of type 1 diabetes with Professor John Todd in the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, with involvement in clinical trials and driving in vivo and in vitro laboratory studies. 

I was previously an Exchange Scholar at Mt Sinai Hospital, in New York City, characterizing the role of the immune system in melanoma.

My clinical training is in psychiatry, and my research interests primarily relate to personality disorders and their interaction with forensic services, from a biological perspective. My research is based at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College, London. I am currently undertaking work to determine biomarkers of psychopathy, with a view to stratifying patients and developing novel treatment approaches.


I am a College Lecturer in Medicine and teach Biochemistry to first year undergraduates. I am the Director of Studies for pre-clinical medicine (first year).

I previously supervised biochemistry, human reproduction and physiology to medical students and biological natural scientists.


  • Academic Clinical Fellow with King’s College, London and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Digital Fellow, Maudsley Learning.
  • Praelector of Girton College (Joint with Simone Maghenzani, January 2019).
  • National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow at the Health and Social Care Committee, House of Commons and the National Audit Office (2019-20).
  • Module Leader and author, Healthcare Systems and Resource Management, Global MBA, University of London.
  • Faculty Lead, Changing Face of Medicine Commission.
  • Visiting Senior Fellow, Lincoln International Business School.

Outside of medicine:

  • I am a priest in the Church of England (St John the Divine, Kennington, in the Diocese of Southwark) and have also published in the field of theology, with a book on psychology, sexuality and theology (Queer Holiness) and an upcoming book (May 2023) on the medical-theological interface (Light to those in darkness: total pain and the Body of Christ). 
  • Research Fellow and Associate Tutor, St Augustine’s College, West Malling.
  • Assistant Curate, St John the Divine, Kennington.
  • Board Member, Affirming Catholicism. 
  • I am also a Liveryman of the City of London.